Darren Smith
BSc (Hons) | Dip HE | Adv Dip STM | P.G.C.E
Principal Clinician
Biomechanics & Exercise Physiologist
Biokinesthetics Practitioner
Sport & Biomedical Scientist
Darren has been a senior lecturer of Exercise Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Sports Injuries, Sports Medicine, Biomechanics, Rehabilitation, Anatomy and Kinesiology for over a decade. After seeing many of his students go on to study Medicine, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Occupational Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation, he himself decided to return to university once again, to further reinforce his years of education.
So being a qualified Biomechanics Physiologist, a Sports, Biokinesthetics & Biomedical Scientist. Having worked within both the NHS and private sector of healthcare, plus taking into account all of the information above, needless to say, you are in very safe and knowledgeable hands with your clinician.
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